Mass Shooting In Auroa Colo. Is Worst Mass Shooting In U.S. History. What makes a person shoot people who they don't even know. About fifteen minutes into the movie a man came through the exit door and attacked the people in theater 9 watching the world premier of Dark Knight Rises, the new Bat Man Movie. Holmes had died his hair red and said he was the joker
Holmes apartment was booby trapped. And it is now apparent he was planning this event for a long time.
Gun Man Attacks Theater Full Of People At Dark Knight Rises Movie Premier In Colorado
Breaking News from CNN now tells us at 343 PM that James Holmes owned all his weapons legally. All were purchased from local area gun shops.The only trouble Holmes had ever been in was a speeding ticket. What makes a guy like this become a mass killer
AURORA, Colo. - A gunman wearing a gas mask and body armor opened fire early Friday in a crowded suburban Denver theater at the opening of the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises, killing 14 people and injuring at least 50.
A gunman age 24 James Holmes who lived four miles away from the theater is in custody and he is the one who committed the crime.
Mass shooting spree killings keep happening in America and now it has happened again. Police are now searching the home of James Holmes. Conflicting reports now say their are explosives in the home ( apartment ) in the home.
Gunman came through a exit door and he had a gas mask on. He was a real bad guy people say. At first people thought it was part of the entertainment.
He came through door and threw a gas bomb. He was shooting anyone that moved. He shot a six year old and a baby. He reloaded his weapon several times and kept shooting.
He had a rifle, he had a bullet proof vest on, he was wearing a gas mask.
People in the theater at first thought he was a Swat Team member because of the way he was dressed. People say he kept hunting down anyone that was moving.
Crime Scene Auroa Colorado.
Police are now saying James Holmes bought a ticket to the movie. He went into the theater and propped the inside exit door open and then he went around to the outside of the theater dressed in body armor and gas mask and came in shooting.
No motive of why he did this is now known. At this moment 1.34 P.M. Eastern Police are with his parents in San Diego California interviewing his parents.
Youngest victim was 3 month old baby. Police could not first get into the theater due to the tear gas in theater 9 where the shooting took place. People say they could not see or breathe in the theater and Holmes kept hunting down and shooting people.
Auroa Mayor says it is the act of a deranged mind and we can't allow people like James Holmes to take away our freedoms. As Americans we must all grieve for those people in that movie theater.
This is the worst mass shooting in U.S. history
Gunman attacks Batman premier in Colorado, 14 dead
Shots went through into other theaters and at least one person was killed that way.
Holmes acted along police say.
At least 78 people were shot by Holmes. And his home was booby trapped with various explosive devices and trip wires. His apartment has not yet been cleared.
Holmes had been going to University of Colorado. He was withdrawing from college at this time. Police and FBI say apartment of Holmes was Booby Trapped. There were even trip wires.
Holmes came in back door, shot off tear gas and then starting shooting people in the theater.
Holmes was wearing body armor from head to toe and he had only had one speeding ticket in the past.
In New York, police will deploy officers at screenings of "The Dark Knight Rises" throughout the city "as a precaution against copycats," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said in a statement.
The Paris movie premiere was canceled on Friday, event organizers said. Workmen cleared away barriers that had been set up in preparation for the premiere at a cinema on the capital's Champs Elysees avenue.
"Warner Bros. is deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident. We extend our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time," said Jessica Zacholl, a spokeswoman for Time Warner-owned Warner Bros., the studio behind the film.
The film, with a budget of $250 million, opened on 4,404 screens, the second widest release ever behind "Twilight: Eclipse," and industry analysts had said it stood a good chance of matching or beating the opening weekend box office record of $207 million set by Disney's "Avengers" in May.
Guy in theater got phone call and may have let Holmes into the theater. If so someone helped Holmes. Several people who were in theater tells this story.